Concern for the good health of Parishioners and Visitors as we endure the many changes being called for in public and ecclesiastical life have necessitated the following:
x Our Lenten Bible Study program will be put on hold, resuming perhaps, after Easter.
x Our Religion Education Program is halted, likely not to resume the rest of the year. Watch for news of this.
x We will have no Monthly Potluck Suppers until we get the “all clear” from the proper authorities.
x The Mass and Potluck Supper for the Feast of the Annunciation has been canceled.
x Mass on Wednesday, March 25th will be returned to 8:00 a.m. at Holy Name of Mary.
x The Lenten Reconciliation Service has been simpli- fied: Father will be available for Confession that day.
x Eucharistic Ministers will not be taking Holy Com- munion to the homebound.
x The Parish Office is essentially closed; requests for Mass intentions, etc. will have to be done by phone.
The following will continue, pending any further notifi- cation from our Bishop:
x Sunday and Weekday Masses (with some likely changes to the schedules)
x Stations of the Cross
Reminders from previous communications concerning
the Celebration of Mass:
x Holy Communion will be distributed with the Con- secrated Host alone.
x Holy Communion is to be given in the hand only.
x The Sign of Peace is now eliminated. People are re-
quested to keep some distance from one another.
x There will be the usual Collections, but no Proces-
sion of the Gifts at Offertory.
x There will be no Coffee Hour until further notice.
Much of the above will be decided by Bishop Coyne in consultation with the Priests of the Diocese in a meeting on March 17th. This Bulletin is going to print before this meeting is held, so decisions made will be communicat- ed as soon as we get them. Check our Parish Website for updates.
All of this will create a severe financial hardship for the Parish. You might consider mailing your envelopes, or making a generous contribution when you finally return to Church. We will try to keep the Parish Website uptodate on a regular basis. Look there for information.
Take the proper precautions to maintain your health and pray for those who will be suffering.